by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA
Last week, we explored what fiction readers want from fiction writers. This week, we're going to explore what fiction writers want from fiction readers.
As I've often said, writers and readers are two sides of the same coin. We need each other, and without the other, what we do is futile. As a writer, I write for you, my valued reader. As a reader, you read (I hope :)) what I write. We share in a mutually beneficial relationship.
So, what is it that writers are looking for from readers? Here are a few of my thoughts as a fiction writer. I encourage you—as a reader or a writer—to add your opinions in the comment box below. Thanks. :)
So, fiction writers are looking for:
1. Faithful Fans. There's nothing that delights a novelist more than readers who become faithful fans of the author's novels. We fiction writers write stories so that you will read them. And when you read them regularly, you encourage us to continue writing stories for you.
Of course, readers have preferences as to what kinds of stories they like to read. But once you discover an author whose novels you really like, it helps the author greatly for you to support that author on a regular basis. How can you do that? Point 2 answers that question.
2. Honest Book Reviews. Authors need book reviews in order to help other readers make informed decisions as to what books to buy. A short, positive book review goes far in getting an author's book in front of potential buyers. This, in turn, helps an author to pay the bills so that she doesn't have to find a day job and, probably, stop writing. Or at least cut back significantly on her writing.
Good writing is hard work and authors put in long hours writing their novels. For example, I easily spend 30-40 hours or more a week writing and running my writing business. I think you will agree that, like everyone else, an author deserves financial recompense for the hard work.
3. Word-of-Mouth Recommendations. This one is a biggie. It is one thing for me to tell others about my books. It is quite another for you the reader to tell others about my books. Somehow, people will believe you more than they believe me. When I promote my books, it could come across negatively, as though I am being conceited, prejudiced, or proud. In reality, I simply want to let readers know that I have novels available for sale.
But when you tell a friend or relative about a novel you've enjoyed, your friend or relative is much more likely to trust your opinion than mine.
So, to sum up, three things writers want most from readers are:
1) Faithful Fans
2) Honest Book Reviews
3) Word-of-Mouth Recommendations
By helping your favorite author in this way, you will doing a great service, not only to them but also to readers everywhere.
Now it's your turn: What are some ways that you, as a reader, help the authors whose work you love? Please post your comments in the comment box below. Thank you!
HUGE SALE! I've extended my special sale for another week. All of my novels are available in ebook format for only $4.99. That's less than the price of your favorite latte. Don't miss out on this big sale! This is the last time I will be offering it for a good while. So, check out the list below and click on the cover to purchase. You may also wish to purchase some as gifts for the fiction readers in your life.
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