Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Reader-Author Festivals

by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA

Dear Readers,

Over recent years, a new phenomenon has emerged for connecting readers and authors. It is called by different names, such as story festival or storyfest, and is fast gaining momentum.

One such event that has already gained considerable popularity is the annual StoryFest sponsored by the American Association of Christian Writers (ACFW).  This annual event connects authors and readers of Inspirational Fiction. ACFW holds StoryFest in conjunction with its annual Conference held in late August. Readers attend the conference as readers and get to meet their favorite authors during planned activities expressly designed to connect the two groups.

Here in my home state of New Jersey, we have the annual Collingswood Book Festival, held on the first Saturday of October each year. Authors and readers spend an entire day meeting one another and discussing books. When the weather is amenable, the event is held outdoors on the main street of Collingswood. 

Here are a few other special events that connect readers with authors:

1. "Authors and Audiences" held annually in April at the Kent County Public Library in Delaware.

2.  The Boise Book Fest of Idaho is held in September of each year. According to its brochure, this event "brings together readers and writers to celebrate the love for words, characters, and worlds." 

3. The "When the Heart Dreams" mixer, an event held in North Carolina each February to bring together writers and readers of romance fiction. 

4. The Buckeye Book Fair held in Ohio in November. It is a full day event and features booksignings where writers and illustrators autograph their books as they meet with readers. 

5. The Literary Connection, held in Wyoming each October and hosted by Laramie County Community College. This event unites authors and readers in celebration of the written word.

There are many other events throughout the country whose purpose is to connect readers and authors. Find listings for your state by checking with your local library, Chamber of Commerce, or universities and colleges in your area. You can also do a Google search for your particular state.

Until next time, Happy Connecting!


MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA, MA
Award-Winning Author of Fiction and Fiction Writing Coach

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