by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA
Dear Readers,
I read an interesting statement by a reader the other day posted on social media. When asked where she buys her books, she said, "I never buy books. I either download free ones or I get them through Hoopla or the library."
Hmm. As an author, that statement particularly struck me. Why? Because authors make their living from selling their books, and if we don't sell our books, we don't make a living. Plain and simple.
At the same time, I certainly understand where that reader is coming from. In today's high-inflation economy, people are struggling to find money for food, let alone books. The cost of living has sky-rocketed, with no prospect of a reduction.
So, what is a reader to do? Exactly what this dear reader did. Try to get books free, or check them out of the library. Frankly, I would do the same thing.
In order to make ends meet, authors more and more are now supplementing their writing income with speaking and teaching engagements or with creating online courses and webinars. While this is helpful, it does rob authors of time from writing novels. Yet, readers continually write to us asking when our next novel is coming out. It seems as though we novelists are caught between a rock and a hard place. :)
But, what is an author to do when people are no longer buying books as they used to? Books are not necessary for survival.
Or are they?
One of the best things you can do to support your favorite author is to buy her novels. Of course, you have to keep an eye on your budget. But an occasional book purchase would go far to keeping your favorite author writing and creating the books you love.
The books that feed your soul.
As an avid reader, you obviously understand that books are food for the soul. The soul needs to be fed as much as the body. At least, that's my humble opinion. What say you?
Please share any thoughts you have "from the other side of the book" that you think could help novelists keep on writing, knowing that they will be able at least to break even. Authors everywhere will thank you.